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Index: L
- labels: 5. Labeling Systems
- designing effective systems for: 5.4. Creating Effective Labeling Systems
- fine-tuning system of: 5.5. Fine-Tuning the Labeling System
- as headings: 5.3.4. Labels as Headings
- HFHS case study: 10.2.3. Labeling Systems for Sub-Site Record Pages
- iconic systems of: 5.3.5. Iconic Labeling Systems
- 5.6.2. When You Just Have To Use Icons
- importance of: 5.1.1. Squandering Attention Spans
- as indexing terms: 5.3.2. Labels as Indexing Terms
- for links: 5.3.3. Link Labels
- within navigation systems: 5.3.1. Labels Within Navigation Systems
- non-representational systems for: 5.6. Non-Representational Labeling Systems
- planning for: 5.2. Labeling Systems, Not Labels
- scope notes: 5.3.1. Labels Within Navigation Systems
- scope of: 5.5.2. Labeling System Scope and Size
- self-centered: 5.1.3. Self-Centered Labeling
- sources for text of: 5.4.1. Sources for Labeling Systems
- textual labels: 4.5.1. Navigation Bars
- layout (see graphics design and layout)
- librarians: 0.1. Our Perspective
- asking for labeling advice: Labels from users and experts
- reference interviews: 6.4. In an Ideal World: The Reference Interview
- skills of: Information and library science
- links (see hypertext navigation)
- local navigation systems: 4.4.3. Local Navigation Systems
- location, organizing by: Geographical
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